SoulCollage is another love (there are so many, I'm thrilled!) I've not had time to mention. SoulCollage is a unique process created by Seena Frost, combining personal work (some say it's worth 10 hours of therapy) + creative outlet + fun + relaxation. All cards are made using images from print media, so the ability to use scissors and glue are all you need. My perception of SoulCollage is definitely influenced greatly by Sandy Guderyon, a beautiful person and skilled facilitator of the process. I've met some wonderful people there, including another facilitator and fellow blogger across the globe, Imelda Maguire, in Ireland. It's hard to explain with words, you just have to experience it. I found Sandy's group through the ubiquitous social networking website, Contact me for more information, or find your local group and give it a try. I really can't say enough good things about it, but I'll stop myself now. Here are two of my cards:

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