Finished First Beaded Wreath
This is one of the larger beaded projects I've done. A 12" wreath, completed just in time to hand deliver to my mother for her birthday, during my trip to Anchorage. My next wreath won't be so ambitious, although I am pleased with the results. In any case, I have a gourd waiting to be decorated - can't wait to get back to that. The weekend I was in Anchorage was also the annual gathering of the Alaska Federation of Natives. My parents and I went and browsed through dozens of skilled artists' and artisans' showcases of beautiful Alaskan artwork of all types: skins, bones, tusks, beads. So much skill and talent I can't begin to describe them here!
I just realized this wreath fits perfectly with my 2nd picture for this blog: my homework from Helga's Art Challenge #1: Everything Circles. Too late to enter for any prizes, but it's just for fun anyway. I hope to catch up by challenge #4 and get a chance to win some art booty.
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